Engineering Specialties, Inc. (ESI)- Sustainable Commercial Building Options
452 Twin Lakes Road
North Branford, CT 06471

PV Solar System produces over 65% of electricity needs.
In late November, Pat Munger Construction Company, Inc., in conjunction with our solar partner, Independence Solar, completed a Photovoltaic Renewable Energy System for Engineering Specialties, Inc. (ESI) in North Branford, CT.
This commercial renewable energy generator produces over 65% of clean energy (electricity) used by ESI to operate their business.
Annually, the system will produce an excess of 155,000 Kilowatt hours! Comprised of over 494 individual solar PV Modules, this system is the largest active Solar PV system in North Branford. Within two months of installation, this Renewable Energy System had saved over 8 tons of Co2 and 949 gallons of gasoline.